Nutrition is one of the major factors which influence the body's ability to perform athletically. To perform at their best athletes need to be well fuelled. This means eating a nutritious and well balanced diet on a daily basis, preparing for training sessions and recovering afterwards by eating a combination of the right foods and fluids.
The BSA provides athletes with a comprehensive nutrition program that equips them with an understanding of nutrition and how it impacts on their athleticp performance, recovery, sleep, concentration and so much more. Athletes are provided with a whole of acdaemy workshop that will introduce them to the basics of nutrition and then each partner sport will have a smaller, more hands on approach session specific to their sport. On top of this atheltes also have access to two highly qualified and experienced Sport's Dietitians for individual consults.
BSA Dietitians
Dominique Condo - Sports Dietitian, B. Science (Biomed), Masters of Nut and Dietetics, PhD, APD, AccSD
Dominique's Bio, prices and booking information can be found here.